“Success is not a destination: It is a journey. The happiest people I know are those who are busy working toward specific objectives. The most bored and miserable people I know are those who are drifting along with no worthwhile objectives in mind.”
「成功不是一個終點:它是一個旅程。我所認識最快樂的人,他們為特定目標忙碌。我所認識最無聊、最不愉快的人,他們缺乏有意義的目標且隨波逐流。」– 吉格‧金克拉 (勵志演說家)
- drift (v.) 漂,漂流。例:He spent many year drifting around Europe. (他在歐洲漂泊多年。) worthwhile (adj.) 有意義的,值得的。例:It isn’t worthwhile continuing with the project. (繼續執行此專案是不值得的。)
- 吉格‧金克拉 (1926-2012) 是美國著名銷售教練、勵志作家及演說家,幫助許多人充分發揮腦力與精神資源,著有《金克拉銷售大法》、《透視顧客的心:金克拉談銷售》以及《與你在巔峰相會》等書。